General Observation
In mid-May I realized that I perhaps should have used the daytime high instead of the recorded high for my blanket and shawl. On May 14th the recorded high was 61 while the daytime high was 48. We reached 61 at midnight and the temperature went down from there. It seems wrong to use the 61 temperature when we were freezing during the day with a high of 48 (and wind). I want to be consistent, though, so I’ll only change it for next year (if I do another one).

Temperature Blanket
I discovered when I went to attach the fourth row to my blanket that it’s HEAVY. I’m not sure how heavy the end product will be, but I anticipate getting a workout while making the bed. It’s still really tedious for me to connect one row so I’m falling pretty far behind with this blanket. It also doesn’t help that it’s getting rather warm to work with when I have to connect rows.

Temperature Shawl
I recently came to the conclusion that this is actually a wrap, not a shawl, due to it being rectangular and not triangular but I don’t want to change the name again. This project is the one I’ve been able to keep up to date the most.
End of May 2016 progress

June 2016 was a little hard to keep motivated because the weather didn’t change a lot. This lead to big strips of color. I wasn’t really fond of my 80s color as it’s a little dull for my tastes so having multiple rows of it was a little bothersome. On the plus side I liked not having to change colors every row.
End of June 2016

Anniversary Blanket
Even with this large delay I haven’t worked at all on our anniversary blanket. I’ll have to get back into it soon. It should go quicker because I bought a laundry basket to organize the yarn. I stacked all the yarn skeins inside and fed them through the side holes. I labeled where the yarn came out with the temperature ranges so I don’t need to consult my sheet for it. I also stacked the thread in the basket and labeled their holes with what type of special occasion it is.

I plan on updating again after the end of August, so I’ll be posting about these projects again in the first few weeks of September.
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