Now that November is done, it’s time for the November 2020 Monthly Craft Report!
Yarn buying
I made it through yet another month without buying yarn. I will probably break this in December because I need to make some slippers for our youngest two. The one year old especially doesn’t like wearing socks because our floors are slick and she keeps falling. But it’s winter and invariably the floors are always cold.
What I finished
Read my November 2020 plan here
I realized today that I forgot to mention that I fished the Pine Ridge pullover for daughter #2. It doesn’t much matter though, because I’ll have to go back through and add a couple inches to the seams to make it fit better. This is what happens when you take too long finishing a sweater for kids.
Another personal project I finished is the Crochet for Warmth hat by Tamara of Moogly. I made it with yarn left over from making our daughter a shawl during Marly Bird’s 2018 Tournament of Stitches. She (the recipient) made the pom pom to go on top. I accidentally changed the look of the hat because I worked the ridges into the wrong part of the stitch. Luckily I did it the same the whole time so you couldn’t tell it was a mistake unless you looked at the pattern picture. My podcasts are clearly getting too distracting. But it worked out in the end.
This prompted me to change the recipient of another Tournament of Stitches shawl to our 3 year old (#5) who wanted her own matching shawl and hat set. I made the shawl at right around a week, including Thanksgiving. I’ve yet to make the hat. The yarn I used was allocated to a shawl for me, but there will be other shawls. This also led me to re-allocate the yarn for a chair shawl for my husband to our youngest. I’ll make him a chair blanket he can wear on his shoulders.
I finished one project for the blog, which was also the last project for a blog post I’m planning. I hope to have that up as soon as possible.
December 2020 plan
Our 9 year old called me out in November about switching between projects. She was right that I said I didn’t want to do so anymore. I switched to crocheting the hat because I just wasn’t feeling any of my other projects. I quickly got punished for doing the hat, as I mentioned before.
Even before I was called out, I made a plan to whittle myself down to 3 projects each for both personal and blog projects (so 6 altogether). I work faster when I temporarily memorize parts of patterns so switching around makes me work slower. So I’m not going to add more projects to my current ones until I get back under 3 of them.
This month is going to be a lighter month because of the holidays. We have lots of fun family stuff to do. There’s also the last Plan Along of the year.
Personal goals: 2 projects, maybe 3 if I do something small
Blog goals: 1 project
Personal projects:
Small (3 hours or less)
- toaster cover: Polka Dot Toaster Cover pattern still carrying the yarn around but haven’t started
- Warmth hat for #5 and as many others as possible
Medium (+3 hours but not a blanket)
- a sweater for kid #4: Pine Ridge Pullover pattern
- a sweater for kid #2 (same as above, but reseaming)
- a knitted shawl: Simple Lace Triangle Shawl pattern (waiting on a needle to be replaced)
- probably the TOS shawl for #6, haven’t started
Didn’t even touch these projects this month
- our Moogly CAL blankets: one block at a time, simultaneously working on blankets for all of us, 7 in all with 1 not started yet so 6 for now
- for our oldest daughter’s blanket I’m currently working on square 2 from 2017 (it’s a bobble, which I don’t like as much but everyone else in the family does)
- a baby blanket/sweater set I first saw in Crochet World magazine: Butterfly Days Baby Set blanket pattern, keeping on it even though #6 has already outgrown it, sweater is done
- music lap quilt: Yellow Brick Road pattern
I’ve been working on a project planning sheet that I haven’t released yet because I’m still perfecting it. I hope to have it be available and useful soon.
What projects did you finish in November? What are your goals for December?
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