I didn’t make a ton of progress with my projects, but I did rearrange my planning system so I can get more done. What I finished In January I finished my Golden Halo Mobius and my Ashland Cowl. The mobius was a project I just randomly started to play […]
February was a month of extreme cold and snow for us. We had snow covering the ground all but 2 days of the month. The cold was a good motivator to work on some quick, warm projects. So on to the February 2021 Monthly Craft Report! What I […]
You may not be able to find a pattern specifically listed as a temperature project pattern that suits your needs. If this is the case, you can find a “regular” pattern that looks the way you want your project to look. To help you make that pattern work, I’m going […]
I’m a little late this month, but here’s the January 2021 Monthly Craft Report! What I finished Read my January 2021 plan here. The only project I finished is part of my Christmas Advent stocking project. I did as much as I could without the blue yarn I […]
Now that November is done, it’s time for the November 2020 Monthly Craft Report! Yarn buying I made it through yet another month without buying yarn. I will probably break this in December because I need to make some slippers for our youngest two. The one year old especially […]
Yet another month gone and time for the October 2020 Monthly Craft Report! Did I buy new yarn? No, I did not. I made it through another month without buying yarn. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll go. The colder weather has turned my mind to making […]
This month practically flew by, but it’s time for the September 2020 Monthly Craft report! Feel free to not read on. You’ll see why below. 🙂 Project Don’t Buy Yarn No, this isn’t an actual project. It’s just a goal of mine. A goal that I’m one month […]
It’s the last day of August 2020, so it’s time for my Monthly Craft Report. Read on to see what I did and learned in August as well as what I plan to do in September. Why I’m doing this I’ll be showing my age here, but I […]
Time for me to report what I’ve done with my personal crafts this month. I ended up focusing more on my personal projects. This ended up pushing the projects I had planned to get done for the blog off to the side. I’m determined to get better about allotting my […]