February was a month of extreme cold and snow for us. We had snow covering the ground all but 2 days of the month. The cold was a good motivator to work on some quick, warm projects. So on to the February 2021 Monthly Craft Report!
What I finished
Read my February 2021 plan here.
These reports have been a little hard for me to write in the past because I kept forgetting what I had done during the month. This month I wrote down when I started and finished each one. Well, sort of. Sometimes I had to go back and estimate when I started them.
The first thing I finished was a pair of slippers for one of our youngest daughters. The 2 year old refused to wear them so they went to the 4 year old. I plan on eventually putting shelf liner on the bottom of them to make them nonslip. It may not be necessary.
My second project was done pretty quickly, too. It was a new hat for my husband, Buddy. He liked the hat I made him, but it wasn’t quite long enough. He works “outside” overnight and needed that extra length. There was enough of the original yarn left to make an almost exact replica of the first hat. I commandeered his old one so now we have matching hats.
I also finished a balaclava (aka ski mask) for our 2nd oldest. Sometime after that I started on another one for another daughter, but I kept losing my hook and my motivation. That one isn’t done yet.
Progress I made
As of today I’ve gotten to January 19th of my temperature blanket for 2021. I have several other temperature projects that are dormant at the moment. I’d like to get those restarted soon, too.
I started a few knit projects. One was a washcloth knit on the bias. Two were scarves knit on the same pair of needles. I didn’t finish any of these, but I did make a decent bit of progress on them.
March 2021 plan
I’m finding myself finishing more projects and March is a longer month. So I think I should go at least a little bigger on my goals this month.
For my personal projects, I’d like to try to get 7 to 11 projects done. I’m going to be counting each Moogly CAL square as its own project so hopefully I far exceed this goal.
For the blog, my goal is finishing 2 projects. I also want to get caught up on my 2021 temperature blanket.
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