I have some exciting news to share this time, so keep reading!
2016 Temperature Shawl
I finally finished this project! I still have to get a scale that works so I can weigh it to figure out how much yarn I used. It’s not going to be a really useful indicator, however. The whole middle of the shawl/blanket was a lot skinnier than it was supposed to be. It can still help give a ballpark amount.
The following are the pictures when I was done with the November 2016 progress. Since I started using it a little it got some milk on it from our baby spitting up on it.

I found it easier to work on my project when I put the finished part into a bag to turn it at the end of the rows.

Random fact, I actually timed myself and figured out it took me 6 minutes to do a half double crochet row.
2016 Temperature Blanket
I didn’t work on this one anytime recently. I’ll still show you what it looks like right now. I didn’t realize until I got it out again to take pictures that I was ready to join another row to this one.
Anniversary Blanket
I haven’t worked on this one recently, either. A bit ago, I realized that there’s not a pattern for this one. There will be one written up eventually.
2017 Temperature Blanket
I’ve worked a little on this. The picture that follows shows you how far I’ve gotten.
2017 Temperature Scarf
This project is the closest to being done next. I’ve gotten pretty far on it. It’s easier to keep up with this one because it takes such a short time to catch up.
What about 2018?
I’ve still been collecting temperatures and I have plans for a couple of projects for this year. Yes, I’m starting even more projects. đŸ™‚
How are you doing on your temperature projects?
If you haven’t started one and need a little guidance, m,y e-book 5 Easy Steps to Plan Your Temperature Blanket can help.
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