As January comes to a close, I thought I’d write a short post telling about my progress.
I fell behind several times, but I kept writing the temperatures down on my calendar so I could catch up when I got the chance. One time I fell behind because I got frustrated that I crocheted a whole row in one color only to find the high had actually been different and needed to be in a different color. At that point I needed to put the project aside for a few days.
What I like most about this project is seeing all the color changes. I made a pretty rainbow of colors (minus green), but my project hasn’t been changing like that. A perfect example is the last few days of January. We jumped from the 40s to the 60s, completely bypassing the lighter yellow I have for the 50s.
This is what my blanket (bed runner? really big shawl?) looks like right now:

We’ve had a LOT of days in the 30s. I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to run out of my Light Periwinkle (the color for the 30s) before spring comes.
Next month I’m going to be doing a half-double crochet stitch so I can tell where the months transition.
It’s only the end of January, so if you want to start a temperature blanket of your own for this year it’s not too late to start! It doesn’t even have to be crocheted or knitted. I’ve seen ideas of quilted temperature blankets, too. Go here if you need some advice about a crocheted one.
If you’re doing your own blanket maybe you’d like to post pictures of your progress in the comments. It’d be great to see all the different blankets!
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