I didn’t make a ton of progress with my projects, but I did rearrange my planning system so I can get more done.
What I finished
In January I finished my Golden Halo Mobius and my Ashland Cowl. The mobius was a project I just randomly started to play around with the O’Go that it was made out of. I mentioned this in my last report. I hadn’t ever made a mobius before and I had a lot of fun with it.
The Ashland Cowl I made out of some yarn I randomly bought off of Etsy last year.
In February I finished a Phyllis & Marian washcloth. (affiliate link) On the last day. It was still February. I didn’t get a picture, but I made it out of the Bumblebee colorway of Knit Picks Dishie. (affiliate link)
It’s not a project exactly, but I got through my monthly pattern sorting. I’ve found myself spending more time deciding what to make instead of actually making something. To fix this, I had to change things up. The biggest change was only rearranging my patterns once a month. I’ll file away any new ones and put them into order when I rearrange. Also, I went through and decided what order everything was in and weeded out patterns I didn’t want to make anymore. I’ll be describing my system in more detail in a separate post as I fine-tune it.
Progress I made
There were several projects I worked on a little bit before I decided to weed my current projects down to just one. Well, one and my three mindless projects. My current main project is a shawl called the Puffed Sleeves Shawl. Since it’s my only project I don’t have to decide what to work on, it’s just the one I grab.
I also got some time in the shop and made some progress on my workbench I’m making as part of The Hand Tool School Orientation semester.
Plan for March
This month the plan is to keep on with one main project at a time until that one is finished. We’ll see if I can get it done faster that way. I can try to get variety with the other crafts I have projects for, too. I have sewing, quilting, cross stitch, Diamond Dotz, woodworking, and latch hooking projects. At least one of each kind.
As a concrete goal, I’m aiming for getting two knit or crochet projects done this month.
How did your February crafting go?
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