“Affiliate link.”
The phrase is all over craft blogs. Almost every free pattern has some mention of the things. But what ARE they? And why does everyone mention them?
What an affiliate is
I thought it would help the discussion to back up and define “affiliate” first. An affiliate in the business world is a company or person whose products you’re willing to promote. Some try to promote anything that seems to make money. I, and probably the best affiliate marketers (like my business guru Pat Flynn), promote products that they’ve used and like. I will admit that I have and will promote products that I haven’t used but that are similar to ones I’ve used. This isn’t typical for me, though.
What an affiliate link is
An affiliate link, in short, is a money making tool for the person or company that posts it. After selecting a product to promote, a special link or code is created that allows a customer to be identified as coming from a certain blog, podcast, etc. So when the customer clicks on the link and buys something or uses the special code when buying, the company knows that the sale originated from that blog.
Why people use them
This is where we come to the why affiliate links are used. When an affiliate agreement is set up between the blogger and the company, the company agrees to pay part of its profits to the blogger. So when someone goes to the company’s website through an affiliate link and buys, they set aside part of that money for the blogger.
Companies benefit because their products get recommended by someone, which raises the chance of a sale. The blogger benefits a couple different ways, actually. Yes, they get money out of the transaction. But they also get the satisfaction of having helped their readers by directing them to a product that they, the blogger, felt could help. The reader shows that, yes, it can help by buying the product or service.
What do they look like
Honestly, this varies. Most of the time, they’ll look like regular links. The only difference you’d see as a reader is if the blogger mentions that the link is an affiliate one.
All affiliate links are supposed to point out that they’re affiliate links. It’s the law here in America. How people do this depends on the blog. I put mine directly after the link so there’s no doubt which links are affiliate ones.
You’ll see lots of affiliate links on the My Favorite Products page of my blog.
So when you see affiliate links, now you know what they are. I use them because I’m trying to make an income off my blog and affiliate links are a really good way to do that. My first purpose of the blog is and will be to be helpful to my readers. Affiliate links are simply a way for you guys to send a little thanks my way if you feel it’s warranted. Which I hope you do feel it is, whether you use the links or not.
I really enjoy seeing your temperature projects on Instagram. Tag me with @stitchinginthewoods or #stitchinginthewoods on your creations. Thanks!
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