(NOTE: The temperature shawl is the project formerly known as the temperature blanket. The temperature blanket now refers to my squares blanket.)
My temperature shawl hit February, so it was time to switch to a half-double crochet stitch. This apparently proved to be my undoing. On the 17th I decided to count how many stitches my shawl had. That’s when I found out I’d dropped 11 stitches and, after looking at it, found that it was mostly on one side. A very clear diagonal. I had a very slight diagonal on the other side, too. I didn’t really want to frog (tear out) my work, so I decided to fix the big diagonal by adding a stitch on the end of each row (on the side of the diagonal) until I was back at my 100 stitches. I also added one or two stitches on the other side to even out that diagonal.

That’s what I get for casually working on this project among all my other projects. I’m still not quite sure how I ended up with dropped stitches. I think I didn’t work into the turning chain at the end. I’ll have to figure it out more in April, which I’ll have a whole month to forget.

We managed to hit 70 this month, which is the one row of orange.
I’m pretty excited about getting this far without lagging behind. I hope I can keep it going all year!
Next month I’ll be updating my temperature blanket (sunburst blanket) at the same time. I hadn’t made any more progress (I’m still in early January on that one) so I didn’t include it in this update.
Are you doing a temperature project, too? Are you sticking to it? Answer in the comments!
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