I’ve really been struggling to keep up with my temperature projects, so I haven’t written recently. This update covers July all the way through October because I missed one update at the end of August. It doesn’t seem like my blog is being a good accountability partner. 🙂
A New Addition
No, I didn’t add another temperature project. I’ve added a weather station to our household. Now I can see what the temperature is right here at home! My nearest weather stations have been half an hour or an hour away from here. For consistency I think I’ll finish the year’s projects and my anniversary blanket with the NOAA readings, but I plan to start a temperature scarf next year that will use our temperatures.

Temperature Shawl
My temperature shawl is the project I’ve been keeping up with the best. That being said I’m still only to the first few days of August. It has been getting rather boring to be doing so much of one color, so I’m actually looking forward to the temperatures getting cooler. Well, not completely. I like the colors but not the cold.

Temperature Blanket
I only managed to get a few squares done for this update. I’ve been keeping up with connecting the squares, though. It’s interesting working on squares from March with cooler temperatures while simultaneously working on temperatures from July and August. It gives a nice break from the color monotony of the shawl. As you may have picked up, I’m still pretty far behind on this project. It takes me about 15 minutes to make a square but then I need to connect them. It takes even longer to connect a strip to the main blanket. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s well into 2017 before I finish this project.

Anniversary Blanket
I didn’t work on this project at all. Part of why I’d like to do a smaller temperature project next year is that I’d really like to finish this close to our anniversary. I realized the other day that I’ll not be able to finish it right on our anniversary because I’ll need the temperatures for up to the day before. I think this will work out, though, because we don’t normally celebrate our anniversary right around our anniversary. Our youngest daughter shares her birthday with our anniversary and we’ve decided to celebrate her birthday as close as possible since we can wait until later. It also helps us get away from Labor Day and the crowds that go with that holiday. I really hope to have lots and lots of progress for my next update. Since I don’t have any progress pictures, I’ll give you some fall pictures instead.

Are you doing a temperature project? How are you keeping up?
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