I fell off of working on my projects partially through the month. Luckily my scarf is small enough it was easy to get up to date. I kept up with writing down my readings, except for one day. I had to go looking elsewhere for a reading for that day. My weather station doesn’t remember a day’s high and low past midnight.
2016 Temperature Shawl
I only did a couple days of September 2016, but I hope to have it finished by the end of the month. Since I don’t plan on doing an edging that should be the end of it.

2016 Temperature Blanket
I didn’t work on this project any more this month. I plan on finishing it by the end of March. Finishing it by the end of February is an unattainable goal with all my projects going on.

Anniversary Blanket
Unfortunately I didn’t work on this project either.

2017 Temperature Blanket
I did get quite a few squares done on this blanket. Once I ran into the problem of sharing yarn skeins that I had last year I had an idea. Thanks to my new yarn winder (Christmas present from kids) and kitchen scale I split each skein in half by weight. I made a cake out of each skein until the skein weighed half as much. Then I made another cake out of the rest of the skein. Now I can keep working on each project even if they use the same color.

2017 Temperature Scarf
I got through the end of January on my scarf. I just got my black month division yarn so I’ll be able to start work on February soon. It was really nice to be able to catch up so quickly on this project. I’ll definitely be doing an edging to tie up all these ends. The moss stitch is turning out to be a nice stitch.

How are your temperature projects going?
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