I didn’t make a ton of progress with my projects, but I did rearrange my planning system so I can get more done. What I finished In January I finished my Golden Halo Mobius and my Ashland Cowl. The mobius was a project I just randomly started to play […]
Margaret M.
I’ve been getting a decent amount of crafting done, even if I’ve not been documenting it for the website. What I finished In July I finished a cotton blanket I was knitting for our younger two to use during the summer. We didn’t get much use out of it […]
I started this year with a plan to get all my old projects done this year. We’re at the halfway point now and I’m not as close to finishing as I’d like. I did well the first couple months but by March I seemed to slack off the pace. It […]
The core of any temperature blanket is the weather data. This is the whole basis of the temperature blanket concept. You can presumably not use temperatures in your blanket, but that honestly would make it something other than a temperature blanket. Still interesting, but not a temperature blanket. Here I’ll […]
Temperature blankets are a long project. Even if you’re not tracking a full year it can be hard to keep yourself working on it the whole time. I’d like to share a few tricks I’ve used for staying motivated. Keeping the streak alive If you make your crafting a […]
February was a month of extreme cold and snow for us. We had snow covering the ground all but 2 days of the month. The cold was a good motivator to work on some quick, warm projects. So on to the February 2021 Monthly Craft Report! What I […]
It’s a couple months into your temperature project and you’re getting a better idea of what your final project will look like. You may like what you see. You may not. If the latter is true, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to give up. If you’re happy […]
You may not be able to find a pattern specifically listed as a temperature project pattern that suits your needs. If this is the case, you can find a “regular” pattern that looks the way you want your project to look. To help you make that pattern work, I’m going […]
I’m a little late this month, but here’s the January 2021 Monthly Craft Report! What I finished Read my January 2021 plan here. The only project I finished is part of my Christmas Advent stocking project. I did as much as I could without the blue yarn I […]